Tour Specialist

Lorna Holland
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Educatiional Tours,
Wahington, D.C.
History & Culture
Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, France, and the UK

Your safety while on your trip is of the utmost importance to us. We operate in many countries around Europe, all of which have differing standards and local regulations that may not always meet the standards we’re used to in North America. The information below is designed to help ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Travel Advice
We monitor the US State Department travel advice very carefully at all times. On occasion, this means we may have to cancel trips or make changes to itineraries at short notice, if the advice changes. We’ll ensure this is fully explained to you, and you can rest assured that any decisions taken will be in the interests of your safety and security.

Pickpocketing in Italy
The danger lurks in the same place as other cities; metro stations at night, overnight trains, crowded tourist areas, and is most prevalent in Europe's Summer months - a prime time for vacationers.
Thieves are also known to strike when travelers are taking their bags from the airport or city coaches. You might not be able to easily spot a pickpocket, as many of them dress very well, disguised in business clothes.
How to Avoid Theft in Italy
Going without expensive jewelry and dressing like the Romans are ways to shake the stealers off your scent. Class it up a bit, and you'll blend in more. Even if you don't look Italian, some locals might assume you live there.
A traveler online echoes the sentiment, saying, "If you are standing on a street corner in shorts, flip flops, a University of Iowa T-shirt and a Nascar #3 hat, you are going to be hounded constantly."
Many travelers say not to put wallets in pockets ever. If you must, stash money inside pockets. As un-stylish as they are, money belts may be your saving grace, but still only try to carry enough cash for the day in case someone does make off with it.
Go even further and don a neck-type of money belt. Sling bags are another option, but if a thief sees something valuable poking out of it and tries to rip it from you, an arm injury could occur.
Always look around, and if in a crowded area like a packed bus, hold your bag or purse in front of you tightly.
SOURCE: www.worldnomads.com

How Safe Is Italy for Travel?
Italy is a country situated in southern Europe, and it is considered to be the cradle of Western culture. Famous for its food, its culture, and its gorgeous language, it is one of the most visited countries in Europe because it is also where the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites lie.
You can find monuments and pieces of fine art in every corner of this beautiful country. From Venice’s gondolas, through Florence’s museums all the way to its bright blue coastline, Italy is the country that keeps on giving. And while it is considered a very safe country precisely because of the number of tourists, there are some cities and areas that should be avoided.
However, the most dangerous thing likely to happen is pickpocketing near tourist destinations and landmarks, so using common precaution measures should suffice.

Italy is ranked 34th on the list of world's safest countries, and since it's filled with tourists all the time, you should feel safe traveling here.
So... How Safe Is Italy Really?
Just like all popular European destinations, Italy is a safe country.
Violent crime is rarely reported and tourists are not likely to have any incidents involving anything more than petty crime.
Pick-pocketing is the most prominent form of crime that represents a threat for tourists, especially since pickpockets often work in teams or are in some sort of a deal with the street vendors. A similar thing happens with beggars – they work in organizations and because of that begging is pretty common in Italy, like in every larger capital, but tourists are unlikely to experience aggressive beggars.
As for terrorism, Italy’s neighbors (France and Belgium) have experienced it and because of that Italy has increased security in almost every larger city, in case of such an occurrence.
Be especially cautious in public transportation or crowded places such as train stations, bus stations, restaurants or airports, and tourist landmarks because this is where the muggers might try and snatch your bag or steal your valuables.
Mugging and bag snatching is a serious problem in Italy, and you should be aware of your surroundings at all times because they might try distraction as a tactic to steal from you.